An excellent decaffeinated that surprises you every time with the full taste of classic espresso. Decaffeinated with care, it maintains the sensory characteristics, the intense creaminess and the penetrating aroma, typical of freshly roasted coffee, unchanged. With Kimbo Decaffeinato never give up the pleasure of coffee. Sensory profile Aroma 5 out of 6 Body 5 out of 6 Toasting 5 out of 6 Intensity 9 compostable pods * Disposed in the organic – Ours is a compostable pod, according to the UNI EN 13432: 2002 standard. The pod, certified by TUV Austria, can be disposed of and recovered in the separate collection of organic / wet products. – The pod is then sent to controlled composting plants, according to the indications of the Municipality of residence. * Compostable pods: dispose of in the organic / wet
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